Large Gender Reveal Boy Girl Print Giant Latex Confetti Balons Baby Shower Party
Large Gender Reveal Boy Girl Print Giant Latex Confetti Balons Baby Shower Party
36" Gender Reveal Decoration
Set Includes :
2 Pcs Black Balloons with Boy/Girl Print
1 Pack of Pink Confetti
I Pack of Blue Confetti
4"Inch - 2 Steel Needles
10M Gold Ribbon
Inflate Instructions:
1. Fill the Balloon Up With Confetti First
2. Then blow the balloon up with helium or air. Helium gives best results and a small balloon pump is recommended to blow the balloon up.
3. Do not overstretch the balloon past 36" circumference.
4. Tie the balloon neck and then tie the ribbon to the base of the balloon.
5. If using helium use a paperweight to hold the balloon down and reveal when you ready. If using air, hold the base of the balloon and pop when ready.